Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analyzing the Iconic Image of Che Guevara - 1913 Words

It is hard to travel anywhere in the world without seeing somewhere the iconic image of Che Guevara on a T-Shirt, souvenir, or poster. The original photographer, and the Irish artist who turned that photograph into a print, are virtually unknown. However, their image has been redistributed to the point where it can effectively be called an icon or a meme. There is no small amount of irony in the fact that an icon of communism has become an emblem of capitalism: as the image has been bought and sold countless times in countless countries around the world. The iconic image of Che Guevara has a hipster chic to it, but also political panache. To don the Che Guevara image means one does not agree with the establishment and is part of the 99%. However, Che Guevara is a controversial figure too. The image has been banned in some parts of the world, because Che was a radical revolutionary who was not against the use of armed uprisings in communist revolts. Therefore, the iconic Che Guevara i mage created first in Cuba and turned into pop art by an Irishman is a paradoxical and typically postmodern cultural meme. The Che Guevara iconic image represents an exact moment in history that is distinct and important. The most specific moment in time the iconic image represents was the second Alberto Kordas shutter snapped and he took the photograph for a local Havana newspaper in 1960; he was covering a mass funeral ¦held by Fidel Castro for a group of Cubans killed in the explosion of

Monday, December 16, 2019

Zappos.Com Case Essay Free Essays

1. Sources of competitive advantage lay in the field of their first offer. * First of all they provided a huge selection of styles, colors and sizes of shoes as it was one of the biggest problems of traditional retailers. We will write a custom essay sample on Zappos.Com Case Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now * At the first stage of their entering of the market, Zappos was the first-mover, which eventually supported its success as the market for on-line order of shoes was estimated to be about $2 billion. * High level of customer satisfaction was also one of the important factors to indicate proper operations of the Zappos. Company achieved such a success due to its corporate culture and a value of extreme concentration on its customers. In the retail business on of the indicators of retailer success is the level of customer return and Zappos succeed to attain this indicator on a very high level. Corporate culture was about delivering WOW effect through service and hiring people who were passionate about service was the most important concerns of the top-managers. This WOW effect was delivering through many ways: from the speed of site loading, all-round telephone support, allowance for 365 days of return, extensive information about the products and fast site loading. That’s why customers were willing to make purchases more often. In my opinion, service is a very important part of providing sustainable sales growth for the company as it creates an image of reliable company which operates in the internet and helps people to choose between traditional shopping and e-shopping. This image while managed properly was a sustainable competitive advantage for Zappos. As it was mostly mentioned features of a corporate culture which provide this competitive advantage than we can say that corporate culture is a background for it. 2. According to the position of the company to retain loyalty of the customers and provide WOW effect through service, it became more important to use UPS as a reliable logistics provider and organize 1-day air delivery with no extra price. Therefore, I can assume that reducing marketing costs for gaining new customers were the right decision as long-term partnership with previous customers was able to generate profit and new customers in the long run perspective. From another side, Zappos was able to keep transportation costs on the constant level partly from the scale of the collaboration with UPS (as it was mentioned, Zappos has become one of the top three UPS shippers). And as it was estimated, UPS ground shipping was able to reach only 11% of Zappos’ customer within 1 day. Knowing the fact that consumers got used to high qualitative and fast delivery, this could significantly harm the perception of the brand by loyal customers. This is the reason why company didn’t refuse to provide one-day air shipping. . First of all, we should understand that in situation of crisis people are decreasing their spending on high-end products if they previously had opportunities for that. That’s why it can be suggested, that company should concentrate more on mass market products and decrease costs while being very careful about scalable expansion. As it was mentioned in the case, Zappos searched for opportunities to improve its supply chain without harmful effect on customer satisfaction. From this point of view, company can concentrate more on retaining loyal customers and acquiring new customers partly by providing promotional discount actions, but at the same time keep prices on the same level, otherwise it can create a sense of discounter among Zappos clients. 4. The most important concern while expanding such business as Zappos is retaining this WOW effect. There are many factors which could affect this service oriented culture negatively, so that company should understand that rapid expansion in the situation of crisis can be very risky. From the other hand, there is no need to add more product to its product range as its already sell shoes, clothing, handbag, accessories, baby products, beauty, entertainment, eyewear, home, jewelry, sporting goods, and watches. In my opinion, company can diversify its businesses by developing other e-platforms with mentioning that they are powered by Zappos. That means that company could partly avoid risks connected with brand perception and increases sales level by selling more products. 5. The environment of a more cost-conscious consumer can harm the business if it won’t be careful about its costs. The main idea here is to provide at least the same level of quality in service with constant rates. Zappos can lower transportation costs through developing closer relationships with transport companies (for ex. try to reduce shipment costs from UPS or use ground shipment when it won’t extend delivery time). Company can also provide selective discounts (for ex. providing promotion discounts for loyal customers or creating encouraging promotional events). They could also take into consideration competitors’ activities and offers in order to make sure that they provide the best prices or better opportunities for their clients. Zappos must take advantage of its other core competencies to ensure that the customer will choose to buy from Zappos as long as they are not paying more for the product. Probably, other variant to boost sales would be testing the system when customer have an opportunity to enjoy free shipping for a bit higher price, while company could gain profitability from a scope of the shipments. 6. First thing which comes to a mind is preserving Zappos’ corporate culture and brand on the same level as these things made Zappos that successful. In my opinion, it would be better to leave Zappos as an independent entity with its charismatic top-manager and founder Tony Hsieh while his forces led company to the leading position. Another thing to concern is a cost structure. One of the ways that Amazon tries to deliver a great customer experience is by offering low prices, whereas Zappos wasn’t ever been concentrated on price competition. This policy also shouldn’t be excluded from the Zappos future strategy as Zappos brand is more about service, but not a lowest price. Probably, another important step would be Zappos’ access to Amazon’ resources. They could be improvements and access to supply chain expertise, warehouses, suppliers and other advantages. Finally, Amazon could use Zappos for looking upmarket towards higher-priced goods. The high touch model obviously comes with higher costs. It’s much more attractive when selling a $400 pair of boots than a $29 pair of flip-flops. Zappos has already been rapidly expanding their product offerings so greater sales of fashion items like handbags and wallets are already steps in this direction. How to cite Zappos.Com Case Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Innovation and Sustainable Business Long Range Planning

Question: Discuss about theInnovation and Sustainable Businessfor Long Range Planning. Answer: A business model creates a picture of how an organization operates to provide quality services and value to customers. Therefore, the business model assists the company to beat their competitors in the markets. Consequently, the model enhances the value of the company to rapid profits and revenue growth. Therefore, research shows that it comprises of two elements such as a profit model and business system(Amit, R., Zott, C, 2001) .The business model does not only work as a system of works but rather as behavioral indicators of customers and suppliers. A successful business model integrates the profitability level of a company and its operations. As a result, it can realize the strategic objectives of the company. When an individual conceptualizes a business model as a system, he/she focuses on delivery and production of the company. Therefore, the system has several interdependent activities to go beyond the boundaries and focal industry(Chesbrough, 2006). As a result, the business model conceptualized as a system allows the company to collaborate with strategic partners. Additionally, it creates value especially for its customers. Hence, the business model should deliver its goods and services to their target customers. The business model intellectualized as a system focuses on the delivery approach only rather than giving attention to the operations. The system focuses on creating a good relationship with the consumers for satisfaction. The strategic intentions of the system is to persuade customers to purchase goods and services. In addition, the customer care service is part of the delivery system that attracts more consumers to buy goods and services from a company. The activity systems comprise of governance, structure, and content. The entrepreneurs and managers design and shape the organizational activities into a system. The business model as a system solves static and dynamic problems in the company. Therefore, it is important to indicate the areas that have static and dynamic growth in the organization. For instance, the business model focuses on delivering value to customers and remain competitive in the future(Itami, H., Nishino, K, 2010). As a system, it allows the strategic plan to fit in all operating activities. As a result, the models describe the functions of the company. The system in the company varies depending with the business ecosystem. The business model as a system allows people to communicate at all levels. For instance, the communication moves from the senior to the junior level as a result, static activities change positively. The system also has complex adaptive approaches that evolve the static operations due to the business environment.The business elements such as firms, suppliers, and employees carry out the duties and tasks that enhance transformation in static activities. The business models as a system create networks through joint ventures, strategic alliances, and collaborations. Additionally, it creates a business community with similar goals. Consequently, the business model as a system allows the company to outsource supplies therefore keep the operations dynamic. The business activities are in motion because of the continuous supply of information and technology. The business system educates the employees and employers about their duties and assignments. Therefore, the system controls the entire work flow as well as delivery of goods and services to the customers. The business model links between the inputs and outputs in order to create value for customers. The business models help companies learn from each other. The firms can exchange knowledge and information about innovation and technology. Therefore, the firms can partner to develop similar products jointly. On the other hand, business model enables companies to produce goods and services independently(Magretta, 2002). Global companies achieve self-sufficiency due to collaboration and partnership among themselves. The business model highlights the production costs and management as a result, businesses partner with other firms to reduce costs and increase their assets. The business model maintains the integrated business activities among the firms. Additionally, it triggers communication among the staff from different firms in order to share their business experiences. Besides, it creates cross functional and mixed teams outside and within the firms. For instance, in Taiwanese and South Korean firms in telecom fields focus on sharing their creativity view perspectives. Therefore, t he business models create value chains and flexible team work within the firms. As a result, the firms are in a position to partner outside and inside the firm. According to Zott and Amitt, the business models create the value in electronic businesses. The models concentrate on the importance of outsourcing complimentary services for the businesses. Additionally, the authors suggest that the model comprise of efficiency, complementarities, novelty, and lock in variables. The four factors determine the value creation in e-business. The scholars emphasize that firms should provide customers with unique products and services to satisfy them. Therefore, the uniqueness of these products and services is achieved by companies through devising new methods to address new consumers needs. Furthermore, model modifies the goods and services to satisfy the existing customers requirements. The model focuses on the modification costs that consumers bear to replace the competitors goods. The firm and business partners fulfill the customers need(McGrath, 2010) .Moreover, customers benefit from savings, financial costs, and efforts of the company. The value c reation model proposes that the fours factors influences the companys financial performance. For instance, the business model offers personalized solutions to the customers. Additionally, they reward customers with loyalty programs and vouchers. The strategic partners influence the comprehensive offers of goods and services. The consumers participate in products customization therefore the model has synergy effects. The Killing Two Birds with one Stone article is relevant because it explains a business model as a system as well as a profit model. It explains that a model enables a firm to deliver and produce the companys products and services. Furthermore, it focuses on the behaviors and operations of suppliers and customers. Therefore, it provides a competitive advantage and mitigates business risks(Porter, 2011). The profit model generates revenues for the business in a short term period. The models intention is to reduce costs and increase profits. Therefore, the article emphasizes on the business system and profit model that accelerate the growth of the company. Additionally, the model provides continuous future learning and strategic product differentiation. The significance of finding regarding to the future of business models reflects that technology accelerates the new business models. Additionally, innovation influences the value creation models because consumers will make their payments electronically. The increased use of cloud computing predict the future behaviors of business models. The business models shall improvise ways of interacting with virtual customers in future(Iyer, B., Davenport, T. H. , 2008). There shall be low manufacturing costs because the firms shall customize depending with the customers tastes and preferences. There shall be qualitative change of business model due to the sensors and mobile technologies. As a result, the improved technology shall sharpen the future business models. In conclusion, the producers will engage in data driven innovation to sell their goods and services in the market place. The value chain coordinators will assemble modified solutions for their consumers. The current business models will demand for continuous innovation to match future demand and supply (Porter, 2011). On the other hand, some goods and services will require traditional approaches of business models in order to create value for consumers. The future business models will assist the company to collaborate with the strategic partners, customers, and competitors. The findings reflect that the business models design overall business networks and operations. According to Zott and Amitt, value chain activities are particular tasks that industries carry out to deliver product and services. Partnering is where firms come together to work together with the aim of reducing costs while networking is interacting with other companies to develop contracts. Static or cross sectional is where a company engages in operations that do not change the profitability of the company whereas dynamic and longitudinal activities result to increased revenue and production levels. Innovation process is creating and implementing new ideas to improve delivery method. Figure 1. A business model for creating value References Kodama, M. (2005). Knowledge creation through networked strategic communities: case studies on new product development in Japanese companies. Long Range Planning, 38(1), 27-49. Amit, R., Zott, C. (2001). Value creation in e?business. Strategic management journal, 22(6?7), 493-520. Itami, H., Nishino, K. (2010). Killing two birds with one stone: profit for now and learning for the future. Long Range Planning, 43(2), 364-369. Clark, K. B., Fujimoto, T. (2008). Product development performance: Strategy, organization, and management in the world auto industry. Harvard Business Press. Iyer, B., Davenport, T. H. (2008). Reverse Engineering: Google's Innovation Machine. Harvard Business Review, 86(4). Magretta, J. (2002). Why business models matter. Porter, M. E. (2011). Competitive advantage of nations: creating and sustaining superior performance. Simon and Schuster. McGrath, R. G. (2010). Business models: A discovery driven approach. Long range planning, 43(2), 247-261. Chesbrough, H. W. (2006). Open innovation: The new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Harvard Business Press. Williamson, O. E. (1975). Markets and hierarchies. New York, 26-30.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Love In The Road Less Traveled Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper Love In The Road Less Traveled Scott Peck # 8217 ; s position of love in The Road Less Traveled is a rectification to what he thought everyone else thought love was. This paper will be an account of Peck # 8217 ; s beliefs about love, a contrasting position on love, and my personal cognition of Peck # 8217 ; s beliefs. Peck had a really pessimistic and, at times, a beliing position of what is believed to be # 8220 ; love # 8221 ; and introduced that in his subdivision on the definition of love. Peck ( 1978 ) believed # 8220 ; Love is excessively big, excessively deep of all time to be genuinely understood or measured or limited within the model of words # 8221 ; ( page 81 ) . Subsequently on in that same page Peck offers a definition of love as being # 8220 ; The will to widen one # 8217 ; s self for the intent of fostering one # 8217 ; s ain or another # 8217 ; s personal growing # 8221 ; ( page 81 ) . He besides breaks down his definition into five remarks: First # 8211 ; The definition has a end or a purpose, Second # 8211 ; The definition given is a round procedure, Third # 8211 ; The definition includes amour propre as love for the other, Fourth # 8211 ; The definition implies attempt, and Fifth # 8211 ; The definition implies a # 8220 ; will # 8221 ; to make something instead than merely a desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Love In The Road Less Traveled Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Peck believes that tonss of enduring can be avoided if a individual would take the clip out to make off with the common misconceptions of love and came to a more precise significance of love. Peck # 8217 ; s subdivision called # 8220 ; The Myth of Romantic Love # 8221 ; goes deeper into why he believes that people do non to the full understand the significance of true love. Peck says, # 8220 ; # 8230 ; the experience of falling in love likely must hold as one of its features the semblance that the experience will last everlastingly # 8221 ; ( page 91 ) . He blames our outlook of this # 8220 ; fairy narrative # 8221 ; love on society. In this subdivision Peck besides discusses the myth that there is one adult male for every one adult female and frailty versa. When a twosome falls out of love, # 8220 ; # 8230 ; so it is clear that a awful error was made, we misread the stars, we did non hook up with our one and merely perfect lucifer, what we thought was love was non existent or # 8220 ; true # 8221 ; love, and nil can be done about the state of affairs except to populate unhappily of all time after or acquire divorced # 8221 ; ( page 91 ) . Peck believes that twosomes that live by this type of outlook award togetherness and see it as a mark of a healthy matrimony but in actuality it is non. Fabulous love, as Peck calls it, may be a fast one in order for the continuance of the human race. This type of # 8220 ; love # 8221 ; is frequently known as dependant. Dependency, Peck believes, is what people mistake for love. Examples of dependence are when a individual: says, # 8220 ; I can # 8217 ; t live without this individual because I love them so much, # 8221 ; or, when a individual contemplates suicide because of the loss of a love. Peck defines dependence as, # 8220 ; # 8230 ; the inability to see integrity or to work adequately without the certainty that one is being actively cared for by another # 8221 ; ( page 98 ) . Peck compares dependence to the feeling that all worlds have to be babied. Peck believes: # 8220 ; All of us have the desire to be babied, to be nurtured without attempt on our parts # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( page 99 ) . Dependence can even be linked to the most common upset called # 8220 ; inactive dependant personality upset # 8221 ; . This upset is common in people ever seeking for love. These types of people neer feel rather whole and don # 8217 ; t digest solitariness good. When they eventually do fall in love, they become so dependent upon that other individual that they can non even conceive of populating without them. A adult female will even # 8220 ; unlearn # 8221 ; driving in order to go more dependent upon her hubby as a agency of transit. A inactive dependent matrimony can neer be considered echt love or even healthy, but to a inactive dependant, it is considered healthy and unafraid. Dependence can be blamed on the function, or instead absence of, the parent. This brings about old ages of seeking for # 8220 ; # 8230 ; felicity and full-fillment # 8221 ; ( page 105 ) . Although Peck makes valid points that love is non the lone thing to populate for, First Corinthians disagrees. The Bible poetry says, # 8220 ; If I had the gift of prognostication and cognize all about what is traveling to go on in the hereafter, knew everything about everything, but didn’t love others, what good would it make? † ( First Corinthians 13:2-4 ) The poetries go on from there each, at the terminal, saying nil would be valuable without love happening in your life foremost. Peck, nevertheless, has a less romantic position on how of import love truly is in life. Peck believes love is of import but excessively much love can take to dependency. Peck is really the antonym of what the Bible is saying. He believes that a individual should first love himself or herself before they can love anyone else. Dependent people are non ready for the # 8220 ; grown up facets # 8221 ; of love: the injury, the agony, or the sadness. # 8220 ; The merely true terminal of love is religious growing or human development # 8221 ; ( page 106 ) . The Bible believes that love is the 1 dependable thing in life. A individual is to abandon all other things in the name of love. First Corinthians 13:8 provinces, # 8220 ; All the particular gifts and powers from God will someday come to an terminal, but love goes on forever. # 8221 ; Peck disagrees with t his type of life style. This leads back to the # 8220 ; fairy-tale # 8221 ; outlook that if love is at that place, so everything else will fall into topographic point. This # 8220 ; Myth of Romantic Love # 8221 ; is frequently what lead people to heartache and desperation subsequently on in life. These fairy-tale followings frequently try to conform their lives to the myth of the fairy-tale. # 8220 ; # 8230 ; they still cleaving to the myth and effort to conform their lives to it # 8221 ; ( page 93 ) . If one goes through life thought that love is the terminal all be all, so nil else will count to them, which would eventually convey everything to a crashing arrest one time love walks into the image. Peck thinks a individual could truthfully destroy their life by seting everything on clasp for love. Scott Peck # 8217 ; s rendering of what love is or is non was a thorough expression into the society # 8217 ; s outlook on what is believed to be # 8220 ; love # 8221 ; . He has several sentiments on what the misconceptions of love are and he tries to turn to them all. A subject Peck stressed was that love is besides a occupation. True love does non come easy and has to be worked on in order for it to be successful. Peck frequently states that love will non last everlastingly without it being worked upon. I believe that this statement is true in certain instances. One such instance might be a long-distance relationship. If two people claim to love each other they try to work out their relationship even though they are non near to each other physically. Besides Peck believes people are set in the fairy-tale love outlook. Peck thinks society is far away in its # 8220 ; definition # 8221 ; of love because many still believe in the fairy-tale of the adult male or adult female siting in on the white Equus caballus. This type of loving is known as dependant and is non healthy. It is most normally found in people seeking for love. I agree with Peck # 8217 ; s view on what society believes because many still think there is that one individual out at that place for them. Another point Peck makes is that love will non last everlastingly and it is non a feeling. However, I disagree because I feel love is the strongest feeling that a individual can experience and if it is true love so it can last everlastingly. I think love is a feeling because when you love person, you get feelings in your organic structure and head. Thinking about a individual can convey on a moving ridge of softness that is frequently described with love. Or the ever-common butterfly # 8217 ; s people frequently call love. These are all feelings and are frequently experienced in concurrence with love. Finally, Scott Peck # 8217 ; s book The Road Less Traveled is the lone book that combats the general feeling that love is everlastingly, and that love does suppress all, and that existent love is a sudden thing. Peck offers these as lone misconceptions and falsehoods in the eyes of the definition of existent love. Peck, M. Scott ( 1978 ) The Road Less Traveled New York: Simon and Schuster James, King ( 1976 ) The BIBLE: King James Version John Schultz Publishers

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Religion and Hoon ho Chung Essay

Religion and Hoon ho Chung Essay Religion and Hoon ho Chung Essay Hoon Ho Chung EWRT1A Written Response #1 Mythology’s Application Compared to the past, modern society often overlook comparative mythology because people focuses more on â€Å"the news of the day and the problems of the hour (Campbell 1).† Thus, not many people look back and see the similarities between their lives and the ideas that are shown in myths. For example, as a Christian, I believe that there is a God who holds the power over all humans; however, this idea conflicts with different religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and more. Interestingly, all religions have a God but just portrayed in a different way. Although this is true, in many regions around the world, people still collide because of different perspectives of God. In my experience, the different perspectives gave me a hard time reconciling between some of my family members. My grandparents believe in Buddhism while my family and I worship God as Christians. We used collide sometimes because of the different view of religion. According to Joseph Campbell, we all share the same God; however, not only countries are in conflicts but also families fight over who is right. Besides religious aspects, imperfection is the element that keeps people lovable. In many cases, people care for those who need help such as the homeless or children who can barely walk. For example, as a child, I got a lot of attention because I was so imperfect; however, as I moved further from imperfection, less people started to adore me. According to Joseph Campbell, God is perfect, so people follow the imperfect Christ more than God. The imperfection in human is the beauty and the reason why people are able to share love. Moreover, the disappearance in myth influenced not only the adults but also teenagers who create their own myth. While students go

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learn About the Drug Called Bath Salts

Learn About the Drug Called Bath Salts The designer drug called bath salts contains a synthetic cathinone. Usually, this drug is 3, 4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) although sometimes a related drug called mephedrone is used. Less commonly, bath salts contain a synthetic stimulant called methylone. Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) is a psychoactive stimulant that acts as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). Properties and Appearance The chemical formula of pure MDPV is C16H21NO3. The pure hydrochloride salt is a very fine, hydroscopic crystalline powder ranging in color from pure white to yellow-tan. The powder somewhat resembles powdered sugar. It has a tendency to stick to itself and form small clumps. There is a slight odor, which is stronger with colored varieties. Bath Salts Marketing Bath Salts have been marketed as bath salts and labeled not for human consumption, although the packaging often indicates the product is not really intended for use in the bath. Plus, the products tend to be carried by head shops, gas stations, and convenience stores rather than bath and body shops. Increasing public awareness of the product has led to Bath Salts being sold under the guise of jewelry cleaner or iPod screen cleaner. Bath Salts typically are sold as tablets or as a powder. The drug may be swallowed, snorted or injected. Bath Salts Effects MDPV is a stimulant that produces similar effects to those produced by amphetamines, cocaine, and methylphenidate. However, Bath Salts tend not to be a pharmaceutical-grade drug, so other effects and side effects may be observed. Psychological Effects Bath salts are popular because of their desired psychological effects, which are associated with related stimulants, too: EuphoriaIncreased mental alertnessIncreased wakefulnessIncreased energy and motivationMental stimulationIncreased concentrationIncreased sociabilitySexual stimulationEmpathogenic effectsDiminished perception of the need for sleep and food Acute Physiological Effects Effects are dependent on the dose. Overdose may result in rhabdomyolysis, kidney failure, seizures, metabolic acidosis, respiratory failure, liver failure, and death. Typical dose effects may include: Rapid heartbeatElevated blood pressureVasoconstriction (narrowing blood vessels)InsomniaNauseaStomach crampingGrinding teethElevated body temperature (up to 107Â °F - 108Â °F, which may be life-threatening)Dilated pupilsHeadacheKidney painTinnitusDizzinessOverstimulationHyperactivityDifficulty breathingAgitationParanoiaConfusionPsychotic delusionsExtreme anxietySuicidal thoughts/actions Street Names and Brand Names for Bath Salts Red Dove Blue Silk Zoom Bloom Cloud Nine Ocean Snow Lunar Wave Vanilla Sky Ivory Wave White Lightning Scarface Purple Wave Blizzard Stardust Lovey Dovey Snow Leopard Aura Hurricane Charlie MDPV MDPK MTV Maddie Black Rob Super Coke PV Peeve Meph Drone MCAT Meow Meow

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Orphan Brands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Orphan Brands - Essay Example 1). Marmite is one of those orphan brands that people can tell what it is just from sight, and often grow used to its particular flavor after a while of using it. Children in Britain are generally fed the substance from the time they are weaned, and most never grow out of it. It has a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacin-and as such is very healthy for them to eat. (The vitamin-B complex helps prevent anemia.) Plus, they grow used to the taste, so it is sort of like soda, potato chips, of other snacks that children in the Western world get accustom to as they grow older. The purpose of this paper is first, to discuss branding, and also to define orphan brands and how they are created, determine why they are named orphan brands, why orphan brands are bought by other companies, weather or not it was a good idea for the company to sell them, how strong was the brand, what benefits are achieved from the new company, advantage(s) and disadvantages(s) of the new company, changes that were made by the new company, brand, what benefits are achieved through the new company, and advantages and disadvantages. We are also going to look at the success of the "orphan brands" and if in fact the companies who chose to sell them should have retained the brands or not, and weather or not it would have been more profitable to do so. Marmite: Love it or Hate it For the sake of further explaining the product in question for that those who do not know, marmite is a popular way to make a sandwich and other similar meals. Here is a popular recipe for the Marmite and Cheese Dream, taken from (Marmite.com.uk, 2008, pg. 1): Marmite and Cheese Dream 1. Take a couple of slices of bread and spread with butter. 2. On one of the slices spread your Marmite on top of the butter (we'd recommend 4g, or about the end of a knife). 3. Now lay on a slice of your favourite hard cheese (e.g Cheddar, Emmental etc). 4. Finish off with some salad vegetables and close this delicious combo with the other slice of bread. Other ideas taken from (Marmite.com.uk, 2008, pg. 1) include include the following delicious treats: Marmite and cheese dream The Italian job Ocean lovers' Ploughman's Sunday roast Mediterranean chicken Veggie delight Tomato with a twist Savoury cheese and cucumber Simple cottage cheese open face Cheat's Welsh Rarebit Marmite is a very niche product, and for the people who live it there is nothing else that hits the spot quite like marmite. It is a product that some people will for sure hate, but those that love it will even go out of their way to follow the product across name changes and product transfers. People are for certain loyal to marmite, no matter who is making the brand they love so much. Marmite's getting a 21st Century Makeover Today Marmite is evolving with the trends of the modern food world. According to the discussed herein article entitled Groceries that Time Forgot (2008,pg. 1), "Marmite's getting a 21st-century makeover. You'll either love it or you'll hate it - but Marmite is henceforth to be sold in plastic squeezable bottles as well as in those old-fashioned glass jars." Bowden adds, "Creating a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Controlling Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Controlling Freedom - Essay Example The propaganda model propsed by Chomsky argues that the maintenance of control over the media is a result of free market forces operating on a daily basis and does not necessarily require conscious planning. The framing of conditions and accidental necessity needed to do this can be compared to a that of a crystalline structure. By pouring a stream of balls over a flat box like frame we inevitably end up with a perfect pyramid structure. In the same way by pouring news, information and ideas into the basic framework of free market goals we end up with a self building pyramid where by supportive elements within the pyramid find themselves in stable positions and those unsupportive elements of the pyramid are simply forced out. The framing of these conditions which facilitate the building of these near perfect crystalline structures are called the five reality filters. The first filter is related to the size, ownership and expense of producing media. The second argues that the media ar e heavily dependent on advertising and sponsorship, thus content has to follow 'advertiser friendly lines' or risk loosing vital funding. Thirdly, resources are concentrated where significant news is likely to occur, while non routine sources of news often struggle to find access to the media. The fourth filter, called Flak, refers to the negative responses that are received by media due to a program or article. Just as supportive media is naturally assisted, unsupportive media is attacked and vilified. The last filter is called 'anti-communism' and refers to the need for a common enemy. Throughout history we see examples of the creation of new 'evil empires' ( communists , Islamic terrorists etc) which threaten the status quo, requiring the production of more arms and therefore increasing economic activity and generating important revenue. In testing the hypothesis there are numerous examples of media attention being directed to serve corporate interests and government agendas. Truth filtration also extends to media black holes, where unsuitable truths are simply not reported. A horrific example of this is East Timor, where Indonesian brutalities administered from weapons traded in multi million pound deals with the British, huge oil reserves and an amiable dictatorship ensured the smooth functioning of the filter system. The vast majority of the general public were unaware of the massive human rights abuses and atrocities taking place. Ignoring, silencing and not giving voices to those that contradict the 'line' is another filtration system which ensures the ongoing passivity of the general public. The Iraq war in 1993 saw the whipping up of an effective media campaign against Iraq and its evil dictator that had invaded Kuwait. The just and noble forces of freedom went into action backed by the media. Clark in his book The Fire This Time, US War Crimes in the Gulf demonstrates how the western version of media events was untrue and that the war was in fact set up, manipulated and brought about to remove obstructions to western economic interests. Other examples of the propaganda model in action can be seen with examples such as global warming. In 1990, despite government unanimity on its existence and the potentially

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Political and Economic System Essay Example for Free

Political and Economic System Essay Spain’s political system is parliamentary monarchy. Spain has many different political and economic issues that can impact the society. Most of these issues can be deal by the government. Sometimes other countries can be compare and contract its political and economic issues to other countries. Political System Spain’s government is parliamentary monarchy. The most important task of the constitution was to devolve power to the regions, which were given their own governments, regional assemblies and supreme legal authorities. The central government retains exclusive responsibility for foreign affairs, external trade, defense, justice, law (criminal, commercial and labour), merchant shipping and civil aviation. Spain has been a member of the United Nations (UN) since 1955, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 1982 and the European Union (EU) since 1986, and is also a permanent observer member of the Organization of American States (OAS). Spain has three branches of government which includes the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch. The Senate has 259 members, directly elected by a first-past-the-post system. Each province provides four members plus additional members in the Balearic and Canary islands, where extra members represent the various islands, making a total of 208 members. The 17 autonomous regions also elect one senator each and an additional member for every million inhabitants, totaling a further 51 members. The Senate has the power to amend or veto legislation initiated by Congress. Under Spanish law, the official result of a general election is made public five days after the vote, in order to allow sufficient time for recounts and disputed results. After the members have been sworn in, the King of Spain meets with the party leaders and asks one of them to form a government, which must then be ratified by parliament. The leader of the party of government becomes the president of Spain and has his official residence in the Moncloa Palace in Madrid. The role of citizens in Spain is that they have to be born of a Spanish mother or father. A person born in Spain of foreign parents if neither of them has Spanish nationality or if neither of the parents legislations confer a nationality to their children. Spain has many political issues. One political issue is during the last few years has been corruption among public officials, including illegal financing of political parties, tax avoidance, fraud, bribery, trying to keep a place or someone in the residential institution, nepotism, misappropriation of public funds, illegal patronage, influence-peddling and kickbacks. Spain has been described (in the Spanish press) as the most corrupt society among the original 15 members of the EU and corruption permeates political and public life at every level. This problem is affecting the Marbella council on a massive scale, involving tens of millions of euros pocketed by council officials. Economic System Spain’s economy is a well-based way to equally spread money to all of the people. Some of Spain’s natural resources include coal, lignite, iron ore, uranium, mercury, pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, zinc, lead, tungsten, copper, kaolin; hydroelectric power. Spain’s currency is the European Union euro. Spain’s imports include machinery and equipment, fuels, chemicals, semi-finished goods, foodstuffs, consumer goods, measuring and medical control instruments. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for imports was $364. 9 billion. Some of Spain’s exports include machinery, motor vehicles; foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, medicines, other consumer goods. In 2011, the amount of money that Spain received for exports was $309. 6 billion. The gross domestic per capita is thirty three thousand six hundred euros a year. In labor force 2. 4 percent goes to agriculture, 24 percent to industry, and 71. 1 percent to services. Spain came out in the number one position because it is a sunny country, because its citizens enjoy shorter working hours and more days holiday, because energy and lifestyle costs are lower, because the government invests into education and healthcare, because the average age at which people die is higher than in most of Europe and because overall, living in Spain ensures you have a better quality of life. Spain has many economic issues. One economic issue is that the Spanish banks high exposure to the collapsed domestic construction and real estate market also poses a continued risk for the sector. The government oversaw a restructuring of the savings bank sector in 2010, and provided some $15 billion in capital to various institutions. Investors remain concerned that Madrid may need to bail out more troubled banks. The Bank of Spain, however, is seeking to boost confidence in the financial sector by pressuring banks to come clean about their losses and consolidate into stronger groups. Puerto Rico doesn’t have political and economic issues similar to Spain. One reason Puerto Rico political issue is not similar to Spain because Puerto Ricans do not have representation in the U. S. Senate and no voting representation in Congress. Instead, the 4 million U. S. Citizens of Puerto Rico only have one â€Å"Resident Commissioner† who cannot even vote on the House floor. Therefore, Puerto Ricans have no say in the making of the laws and statutes that apply to them. Even though the U. S. Supreme Court has absolute jurisdiction over Puerto Rico, Puerto Ricans do not have representation in the U. S. Senate to cast an up or down vote on Supreme Court nominees. In the end, Puerto Rico is governed by a Congress in which they are not allowed to participate in, an Executive whom they did not elect, and a Judiciary whose justices they did not confirm. The 4 million U. S. Citizens of Puerto Rico are not allowed to fully participate in the democratic process of their nation. One reason Puerto Rico economic issue is not similar to Spain because recently in Puerto Rico the economy has suffered budget cuts from U. S. The Puerto Rican economy has depended heavily on the tax incentives given to U. S. mainland companies and on federal transfers. Conclusion There were many different things that I learned about Spain’s Political and Economic Systems. One thing that I found interesting was that Spain has the ninth largest economy in the world. Another thing that I found interesting was that Spain was originally a constitutional monarchy but over time became a parliamentary monarchy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Custom Written Essays: Contrasting Gertrude and Ophelia of Shakespeare

Contrasting the Ladies in Hamlet  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   How can anyone view or read the Shakespearean tragedy of Hamlet without observing an obvious differentiation between the characters of the two female characters? And yet, not all critics agree on even the most salient features of this contrast.    Quite opposite the criminality of the king’s wife is the innocence of Ophelia – this view is generally expressed among Shakespearean critics. Jessie F. O’Donnell expresses the total innocence of the hero’s girlfriend in â€Å"Ophelia,† originally appearing in The American Shakespeare Magazine:    O broken lily! how shall one rightly treat of her loveliness, her gentleness and the awful pathos of her fate? Who shall dare to hint that she was not altogether faultless? One feels as if wantonly crushing some frail blossom in criticising so beautiful a creation, yet such is my thankless task. To my mind, Ophelia has been much over-rated by writers on this play of Hamlet, and when stripped of the glamor of Shakespeare’s magic verse and the lenient tenderness we give always to the dead . . .   she will be found a simple, shallow girl, pure and delicate as a snowflake [. . .] . (241)    Contradicting O’Donnell’s view is some evidence that Ophelia is not innocent in her relationship with the protagonist (West 107). Moral concerns are in the forefront of any discussion about dissimilarities between the queen and the lord chamberlain’s daughter. John Dover Wilson highlights moral differences in What Happens in Hamlet:    His [Hamlet’s] mother is a criminal, has been guilty of a sin which blots out the stars for him, makes life a bestial thing, and even infects his very blood. She has committed incest. Modern readers, living i... ...nd Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets. London : George Bell and Sons, 1904. p. 342-368. http://ds.dial.pipex.com/thomas_larque/ham1-col.htm O’Donnell, Jessie F. â€Å"Ophelia.† The American Shakespeare Magazine, 3 (March 1897), 70-76. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Ed. Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts. New York: Manchester University Press, 1997. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. http://www.chemicool.com/Shakespeare/hamlet/full.html No line nos. West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.† Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. of The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957. Wilson, John Dover. What Happens in Hamlet. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A House of My Dream: Every Person Has His Own Idea of a Perfect House

Since the time immemorial people always wanted to make their dwelling a place, where one feels comfortable and cosy, where one always wants to come back to. A dwelling of my dream is not a flat but a two-storeyed mansion. And as a real hostess I’d like to arrange everything in the house according to my taste. Now, let me tell you about my house. When you come to me, you push a big wooden front door, wiping your feet on the door-mat, and enter the hall. The floor is covered with a fitted carpet, the wallpaper is light and has a small pattern. There’s a seat and a small table near the wall and a huge mirror above it. Then you enter the living-room. The bright full-length curtains are drawn back, and sunshine fills the room. The living-room suite, consisting of a sideboard, a bookcase, a sofa, an elegant coffee table and three armchairs, is arranged around three walls. There’s a video system near the window. On the ground floor there’s also a kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen is a very large room with a big window. There is a gas cooker with a hood, two wall-cupboards and a sink unit there. Near the opposite wall there is a dishwasher, a refrigerator and a table. Let’s go upstairs and have a look at the bedroom. This is a very cosy and warm room. The bedroom suite consists of a bed, two bedside tables and a wardrobe. The window overlooks the back yard. In my house there is also a terrace, a garage and a garden and so many other things I’d like to have; at least, in my dream house.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Online Shopping for Electronic Products Essay

â€Å"The Internet has changed how information is communicated and processed. People use the Internet for different purposes, including communicating with friends, researching and monitoring online stock prices, trading stock, paying bills, banking, and shopping. Growing numbers of consumers purchase goods and services, gather product information, or just to browse online†(Demangeot & Broderick, 2007). People today are indeed bombarded with technology. Most people cannot get through the day without their laptops or smart phones, especially for today’s youth. Since today’s college students were raised in a technological age. â€Å"It is no surprise that internet usage among college respondents has seen a marked increase in recent years† (Budden et al, 2007). â€Å"Most college students surveyed enjoy shopping online† (Arnaudovska et al, 2010). Online shopping gradually appears in people’s lives, especially in college students’ life. â€Å"Online shopping is the process whereby consumers buy goods or services directly from a seller in real time over the Internet. Online shopping environments are, therefore, playing an increasing role in the relationship between marketers and their consumers† (Demangeot & Broderick, 2007). Therefore, internet is not only indeed playing an important role today, but also in the future. â€Å"In the city of the future, bricks-and-mortar retailers will be just as savvy as their online counterparts. In recent years, the convenience of purchasing almost anything via the Internet has driven the decline of numerous chains. Stores don’t have the data websites do, so they don’t understand their customers as well. However, they’re increasingly experimenting with new ways to lure you into their aisles, analyze your patterns and fine-tune their offering-just as the websites have done for years†(Castaldo, J. 2012). For sales of electronic products online, according to US Census’s E-Stats, 2009 E-commerce Multi-sector Report (2011), it increased from 5,848 million dollars in 2003 to 17,684 million dollars in 2009. The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced at November 16, 2012 that â€Å"the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the third quarter of 2012 was $57.0 billion, an increase of 3.7 percent from the second quarter of 2012. Total retail sales for the third quarter of 2012 were estimated at $1,092.2 billion, an increase of 1.4 percent from the second quarter of 2012. The third quarter 2012 e-commerce estimate increased 17.3 percent from the third quarter of 2011 while total retail sales increased 4.6 percent in the same period. E-commerce sales in the third quarter of 2012 accounted for 5.2 percent of total sales.† ( U.S. Census Bureau, 2012) According to the research by Yulihasri et al (2011), â€Å"Among all the proposed students differences factors, compatibility and usefulness have been found as the most significant to influence students’ attitude for shopping on Internet and attitude, normative-beliefs have been found as the most significant to influence students’ intention for shopping on Internet. The idea of salient beliefs including compatibility, ease of use, usefulness and security are highly relevant that influence students’ attitude towards on-line shopping, except privacy. However, attitude strongly associated to intention.† The purpose of this study is to investigate college students’ attitudes toward online shopping for electronic products by using Fishbein And Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). As well as what factors influence people generally on their decision. Shopping online has very different characteristics from shopping in a store. Some of these characteristics may contribute to consumers’ intention to shop online, while others may discourage them. In addition to consumers’ psycho-graphics and demographic backgrounds that likely affect their attitudes toward and intentions of shopping online, the fact that the Internet is accessible and therefore merchandise is widely available is important. According to Laudon et al. (2012), Approximately 80 million households have broadband access to the Internet in 2010, representing about 68 percent of all households. About 83 million Americans now access the Internet using a smartphone such as an iPhone, Droid, or BlackBerry. Mobile e-commerce has begun a rapid growth based on apps, ring tones, downloaded entertainment, and location-based services. In a few years, mobile phones will be the most common Internet access device. In addition, according to Hasslinger et al. (2007)’s research, they identified price, trust and convince as the primary concern when people shopping online.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Animal Rights and Position

Animal Rights and Position Animal Rights and Position- Animals Used Essay Kelley 1 Jessica Kelley Dr. Gordon 04/05/2015 Animal Rights- Controversial Essay Section I: To Assert a Position Never in my 17 years of existence have I had an animal from a pet store. I have taken in a ferret and hamster from friends, caught a lizard and kept it for many years, won fish at the fair, and rescued dogs off of craigslist. Out of the six dogs I have had, none have been purebred or costed more than 50 dollars. This however, does not mean they did not receive the best of care including shots, spay and neuter, and healthy diets. While companions such as dogs seem normal in the household, not everyone is a suitable owner for animals. Owners should be able to support pets financially and emotionally and reciprocate the endless love and loyalty pets give to owners. It is very disheartening when someone does not realize the pain they are inflicting on their supposed companions and even worse when they do. Owners like these should be stripped of their pets and denied the adoption or purchase of any other animals. Those like our furry friends at home are not the only animal under attack though. Animal rights have been an ongoing controversial issue and grows ev ery year. Animals are used for a variety of different testing, clothing and entertainment. Animal rights is a philosophy that claims animals should have rights or interests equal to those of humans (Levine, 9). Some people cannot Kelley 2 possibly see or even think that animals can have rights too because animals are so vastly different than us humans. People should give equal support to the interest of animals as they do to the interest of humans. Any animal should not be put through experiments, or hunted down and killed to make fur coats. What about being held captive in Zoos and Aquariums; even though most times they are treated right, they are still locked up. In other words, do you not think they feel like their in jail? Should they not be returned to the wild to roam free? Captive animals whether it be in a lab or a zoo, suffer every year. Section II: To Support a Position- Animal Testing The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) was founded in 1824. Now, there are activist groups worldwide, from Colombia to Australia, that protect the rights for all animals (Rochford, 24). What is the definition of animal experimentation? It is when scientific researchers use animal experimentation for medical and veterinary research to enhance human health and sometimes even the the welfare of other animals (Cothran, 68). Millions of animals die and are tortured in painful tests also in order to determine the safety of cosmetics. A popular example is eye shadow and soaps being tested on rabbits, pigs, rats, dogs and an array of different animals. In many of the cases, tests are a failure and the results do not help prevent or treat human illness or injury. We have all seen the gruesome and sad pictures online in ads set by activist groups. No cosmetic companies are required to experiment animals, yet there are millions of innocent animals tested each day. Kelley 3 Some companies still choose to do these brutal and unnecessary tests, saying that they establish safety of both the products being tested and the components being tested on. Most of the tests used on animals are eye, toxicity, and skin irritant tests. The majority of the public opinion is against this type of testing because it is cruel and not necessary. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspects all laboratories where animals are used for tests and enforces the federal laws regulating the treatment and care of the animals. The Body Shop is a well-known retailer for beauty products who, in the eighties, was one of the first companies who came out with a â€Å"not tested on animals† label on their products. Later, many companies followed. Now, thousands of beauty and body care products bear the label. â€Å"Animal liberationists do not separate out the human animal so

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay Example for Free (#1950)

African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962 Essay ? Explain how far the views in Source B differ from those in Source A in relation to President Eisenhower and the desegregation of education. Both sources illustrate Eisenhower’s negative opinion on desegregation in schools. Both criticise and portray Eisenhower’s intolerance of black people as Source states Eisenhower’s comment that white people ‘ are concerned about is that their sweet little girls are not required to sit in school alongside some big overgrown Negroes’ . Eisenhower’s ‘sympathises’; the south as he originates there himself, the intolerance could be considered to be part of the South’s culture and behaviour to be intolerant of the black people, it is arguable that this effected Eisenhower’s political judgement . The fact that Eisenhower came from military background after spending 44 years of his life in service, would have influenced his decisions and opinions on desegregation as military camps were segregated and Eisenhower would have been use to this system. He once again agues from the South’s point of view in Source B, ‘I don’t believe you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions’ this once again supports the point I made before. Evidence of his intolerance was regretting appointing Earl Warren as chief of justice ‘the biggest damn fool mistake I ever made’ he obviously was very against the decision and never wanted desegregation. The similarities continue as both sources shows the reluctance of helping the black people through desegregation. Source A comments that he didn’t show a clear support for the Supreme Court decision to desegregate schools, ‘his silence encouraged massive resistance’. His political and personal opinions were colliding with each other making his actions limited. Source B shows proof of his reluctance also as it stated three years later he finally protects the little rock 9 with a federal army in 1957. This was the first time Eisenhower showed support of segregation however; it was a ‘weak act’ from Eisenhower. It could be possible that he felt that it was his study as the president not himself supporting civil rights for the black people. However, the sources do differ in the fact that source B states a more positive view on Eisenhower even thought it was considered ‘weak’. As already stated Eisenhower While in presidency did not actively support desegregation and had reservations about the Brown decision, he understood his constitutional responsibility to uphold the federal authority and the law. Eisenhower ordered federal troops to guard and Little Rock and protect black students as they walked to school. He therefore became the first president since Reconstruction to use federal troops to protect the rights of African Americans. As Source A’s tone is very negative as it quotes intolerant views on the African Americans, it insinuates that Eisenhower is very against African Americans being part of a ‘white society’ this contrast with the little rock 9 as he aids the black people into the school, after his comments it would been unlikely to help the black people but he does. To conclude: source A and B are very similar as they both voice the intolerance and his lack of support Eisenhower gave to the African-Americans. I agree with the source as from my own knowledge he was very against civil rights because of his Sothern influence. His views on desegregation was transparent from his actions and that’s what source and B illustrate (12 Marks) (B) Use Source A, B and C and your own knowledge. How important was the Supreme Court in the development of African-American civil rights in the years 1950 to 1962? The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the US, consisting of nine justices and taking judicial precedence over all other courts in the nation. The Supreme Court would have benefited every African- American with their decisions of passing and lifting laws if they succeeded in winning their cases. It allowed them to have legal rights with in the country and legally be equal to the white people. However, the self-esteem of the African Americans was low due to the intolerance of the white people therefore figures such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and support of political figures such as Kennedy allowed them to be brave and a sense of pride in gaining equality. Therefore, the Supreme Court could be considered less important than other figures and factors that occurred between 1950 and 1962. Source A and B discuss the Brown vs. Topeka’s Board of Education verdict in 1954. The Supreme Court passed the law of desegregated schools by the chief of Justice Earl Warren. He was criticised for his decision such as President Eisenhower, who had shared his annoyance with Warren by stating that is was the ‘biggest damn fool mistake he ever made’. The silence of Eisenhower’s support on desegregation caused massive resistance along with the indirect deadline for when desegregation is to commence. Hence, Brown 2 in 1955 was the attempt to get a clearer deadline than before. However, disappointingly the verdict was ‘with all deliberate speed’ it was still vague and prolonged the wait for desegregation. The Supremes’ role in this particular situation helped civil rights as it declared more equality within America however turned to a hindrance as it become a battle of when it will happen. The decision also caused further problems for the African- Americans as Little Rock complied with the high court’s laws and decided to desegregate there all white school. The NAACP submitted nine students originally to join the school and gradually bring more in and settled them slowly. However, it wasn’t that simply as the 9 students went to enter their school they was verbally abused and tormented by the white southerners, Eisenhower had to submit federal assistance to help them into school , this is stated in source B as it had taken 3 years to show any support from Eisenhower and the south to finally accept desegregation . Eisenhower’s federal involvement was then became the first president since Reconstruction to use federal troops to protect the rights of African Americans. However, since Brown vs. education Source C states that McLaurin vs. Oklahoma rules that universities too have to follow the desegregation law and that you ‘could not provide different treatment to a student solely because of his/her race’. This proves that the Supreme Court was furthering African American rights through all levels of education making them equal and educated. This is another influence the Supreme Court had over monumental changes for the African Americans and the society around them. However, it is arguable that the Supreme Court only assisted the figures and events that immensely changed civil rights for the African Americans. Events such as the Montgomery Bus boycott in 1956 were a political and social protest. after the arrest of Rosa parks African Americans were ready to take action and regain some equality and raise the issue of how wrong it is to make a ‘tired, old lady’ to move, even if it wasn’t entirely true. The boycott was led by the group the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association) Saturday 3rd December the black community supported each other as a lot of people avoided the busses and had to take rides with other people in the community, even though it was difficult the supporters of the cause enthusiastically agreed to continue the boycott until there was justice. The success of the black people boycotting led to economic stress were the issue of segregation would be over. The fact that one event, encourage African Americans to stand for their rights influenced and uncovered the most influential figures in civil right history and gained justice from their efforts. This is repeated again the 1960 in the Greensboro sit-in’s when African Americans refuse to move to from their seats in the Woolworths store. Their numbers increased in support and was watched by the world; even Eisenhower voiced his opinions on the matter. These nonviolent protests allowed black people to become a part of changing their future and not relying on court cases and individuals to get them there. Arguably even though they gained great success the black people didn’t have any legal hold on desegregating the bus system, thus the Browder vs. Gayle case. The Supreme Court upheld the district court’s decision in making bus’s desegregated. Without the confirmation from the Supreme Court all the black people’s efforts would have resulted to nothing without the confirmation of the Supreme Court. Rosa parks is seen in our modern day history as an inspirational civil rights leader. Her story influenced thousands of African Americans to boycott buses and gain equality. However, her image of being a ‘hard working, old, fragile women’ who wanted to rest her feet after a long day isn’t true at all. She had been an active protester and NAACP member for years and probably planned this protest to gain publicity and change. Due to her protest Martin Luther King was noticed as a civil rights figure, he had been watched from all over the world and from then on seen as the leading civil rights leader. His efforts in the SCLC created in 1957 after the Montgomery bus boycott, helped the southern African Americans who suffered from great intolerance . However, once again their efforts amounted to achieving the legalisation of equality, without the Supreme Court all their efforts went to nothing. To conclude: even though Martin Luther King is seen as the saviour of the African Americans in gaining equality and is still admired in our modern day society, it is the supreme court that allowed them legally to be treated as equals and live the lives they should live. However, without the efforts and protests the Supreme Court would never have considered to pass or all the African Americans to have the equality they gained through their efforts. Therefore, the other factors that influenced African Americans development on civil rights were more important than the Supreme Court. (2A) Explain why school were not immediately desegregated after the verdict in the Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education case of 1954 * Â  Earl Warren passed desegregation in 1954 in the Brown vs. Topeka Board of education. This was to end segregation. The NAACP appointed Thurgood to take the case and won with Earl Warren’s confirmation However, Warren didn’t set the deadline when schools should be desegregated. This prolonged desegregation and led to the court case Brown 2 in 1955 to gain directness on when desegregation will commence .However the verdict remained vague commenting that desegregation should happen with ‘all deliberate speed’ allowing desegregation, once again to be prevented from racial diversity in schools. This suggests that the Supreme Court was reluctant to desegregate schools fully due to Eisenhower’s silence and the South’s reluctance to do so. Other than the Cooper vs. Aaron case, the southern manifesto is proof of their reluctance as this was a legal document signed by 99 politicians to counter the decision on Brown vs. Education, because of the legality and not just the opinions of the south. This then makes the manifesto more than reluctance but a serious legal matter. Their claim matched the opinions of the south commenting that ‘segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. The southern manifesto stated that ‘It is destroying the amicable relations between the white and Negro races’, ‘It has planted hatred and suspicion where there has been heretofore friendship and understanding’ to make their argument fair and agreeable they used the idea that desegregation will bring violence and issues to the communities when there is no need. Even though some areas (especially in the north where it was more tolerant) accepted desegregation quickly. However, a lot of the south continued segregation as they didn’t agree with the Brown vs. Board of Education, thus the southern manifesto. The build-up of tension of intolerance was at little rock. Little rock school in Arkansas decided to comply with the high court’s ruling. The NAACP submitted 9 students to the previously all white school. They was verbally abused and tormented as they entered the school, President Eisenhower had to send federal troops to protect the 9 children. This suggests that ‘fear’ that was presented in the southern manifesto was proven to be true allowing anxiety for other schools and black people to comply with desegregation. President Eisenhower originated from the south and voiced intolerance himself about the decisions of Brown vs. board of education. It was commented that his silence encouraged massive resistance to applying the new law forcefully through the country as he did not agree with the verdict. It was also claimed that he voiced annoyance about appointing Earl Warren stating that it was ‘The biggest damn fool mistake I ever made’ this is evidence of his intolerance because he disapproved of Warren’s decision. Being a military man himself he was use to the segregation system and probably agreed with the idea of ‘separate but equal’. This suggests why the Supreme Court had given vague answers of when the deadline should be on desegregation because the president wasn’t happy with the decision. To conclude: there were many factors to why desegregation wasn’t immediate however; the most important factor that contributed to preventing desegregation was the south. The fear, the legal documentation created by the south, the behaviour and the powerful leaders from the south made the desegregation difficult and tense. The South’s intolerance caused the most issues, as the north complied with high court’s decision quickly as there was less intolerance. Â  * (2B) ‘The work of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) was the most important reason for the desegregation of schools in the years 1950 to 1960’ * Explain why you agree or disagree with this view * The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909. Their mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. They are the earliest organisation to aid African- Americans into equality. They have had many successes in desegregating schools and their efforts have gone far however, it is arguable that other organisations, figures and events that were more influential to desegregation in schools than the NAACP. * The NAACP had succeeded in other cases for the rights of black people however; it was the Brown vs. Board of Education that is considered NAACP’s victorious achievement. But, without the work of Thurgood marshal that was appointed by the NAACP the outcome might have been different. Other than being the first African American to serve on the Supreme Court he had won 29 out of the 32 he had faced. He was a very intelligent and stood for his rights after winning previous cases for the NAACP himself and a team of NAACP attorneys won Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Other than the NAACP winning the case Thurgood who was part of the NAACP team, was an inspiration to the African Americans. However, the decision didn’t lead to an immediate change as there was no clear deadline. The NAACP and Marshall forgot to argue its urgency for change therefore, Brown 2 the case that was to get the urgency it needed however, the decision was vague as it stated ‘with deliberate speed’. The NAACP did succeed in the decision of desegregation but it had no action. NAACP helped all African American’s in need such as the Little Rock 9 in 1957. The NAACP submitted 9 students to attend the previously all white school Little Rock, this was an achievement as a lot of the south wasn’t and would not comply with the high court’s orders. However, this turned into a disadvantage as The 9 students was verbally abused, tormented and prevented to enter their new school. The NAACP however, did help them try and enter or submit them in different and safer schools. It wasn’t just Little Rock students that they helped enter schools but many. * It is arguable that other factors effected the desegregation of schools such as the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court had to pass the laws to gain legal equality, therefore the Brown vs. Education case without the Chief of Justice Earl Warren reaching the decision that segregation is unconstitutional. Desegregation would never have gone through. They pass the McLaurin vs. Oklahoma state regents, this was to desegregate universities. However, other cases were inspired by the efforts of the NAACP, and the outcome they reached in the Brown vs. board of Education Verdict. * However, it was the ordinary people that changed their future by joining protests and helping each other. Such as Linda Brown, if it wasn’t for Linda’s cause the case to bring desegregation to schools. Linda Brown was the Daughter to Oliver Brown, because of his annoyance that his daughter had to walk 6 blocks because of the Plessy vs. Ferguson ruling ‘separate but equal’ under the Jim Crow laws. Her long walks to school led to one of the most monumental events that happened for African Americans. However, Linda Brown was part one of the thirteen families that was recruited to Topeka (the area they lived in), the NAACP took the case for Brown and pursued his plan to desegregate schools. * To conclude: The NAACP efforts in desegregating schools were more important than the other factors that influenced desegregations. Without The NAACP providing lawyers such as Marshall and helping brown win his case, Oliver brown wouldn’t of won the case. I believe that the NAACP’s involvement in the desegregation of schools was the main reason and that’s why I agree with the statement. African-American Civil Rights in the Years 1950 to 1962. (2016, Nov 19).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Environmental Impacts of Bottled Water Research Proposal

Environmental Impacts of Bottled Water - Research Proposal Example From this discussion it is clear that there are concerns on its implications for the environment, such as the effects on water resources, pollution, energy supplies, and health. For example, the plastic bottle waste is disposable to the open environment and involves the use of fossil fuels that pollute the environment. The research paper aims to determine the negative implications of bottled water for the environment to encourage the development of appropriate and adequate interventions to preserve the environment. It will explore several areas including implications for water resources, health, waste disposal,pollution, energy security, and interventions applied. The research findingswould be relevant to environmental conservation agencies, governments and other stakeholders all over the world.  The research objectives will be achieved by developing questions that will guide in execution, data collections, and other parts of the study. The questions will help in determining the kind of data collected for the purposes of analysis and discussion findings.  Several negative consequences for the bottled water industry are expected out of the research. The data collected using the research question would show an alarming increasing trend of bottle water in the U.S and the whole world.Secondly, the bottled water is sourced from natural resources and involves wastages that lead to over-exploitation. Thirdly, plastic bottles are made from fossil fuels and increased use leads to a huge carbon footprint.